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Christian Milazzo

Private Swim Session 25th March 2022

Excellent swim session, you really understood the concepts and adopted them to your stroke.

Some great improvements with 1 session, and good opportunities to develop further.


Remember, just focus on one thing at a time or on one side of your body and practice the drill a few times, then a series of 1 x 25m drill, 1x 25m freestyle focusing on the drill component.

Key points...

1. Rotation: Initiate it from your hips, and rotate on both sides of your body, especially the side your don’t breathe on. You noticed you should be continually rotating throughout your swimming, which also helped with your breathing.  A big improvement from your initial swim and also reduce the effort required in your swimming.

2. Arm shape: Keep working on getting your arm into the shape we discussed, ideally 90 degrees elbow and forearm angle when taking a stroke. The single arm drill really helped to understand the shape required and combining with your rotation.

3. Combining arm shape and rotation:- This is an advancement from the single arm freestyle drill but also to help develop flow in your stroke.  It may feel mechanical to start off with, it will get easier.  Single Arm Freestyle is a great drill to practice for both technique components and combining the 2.


4. Kicking:  the drill on the side of the pool helped to get a better ‘feel’ for kicking with a straighter leg. This provides some propulsion and maintain momentum especially when taking a breathe.

Swim Filming

Initial Swim

  • Nice controlled arm tempo

  • Head still and centered, looking down

  • Pulling through with a straight arm

  • Lacking rotation

  • Kicking with a bent knee

Initial Swim - Front view

  • Arms entering the water parallel to shoulders

  • Head straight and looking down 

Small Catch

  • Good elbow and forearm shape

  • Good resetting yourself

  • Be mindful of flicking wrist back, keep it connected with forearm as one lever

Single Arm Freestyle - Left

  • Keep a high elbow and bend at your elbow.

  • Take a stroke with the power and drive from your hips

  • Feel your hip drive and the 'rush' of water when you take a stroke

Single Arm Freestyle - Right

  • Good arm shape with a bent arm under the water

  • Excellent connection with rotation and taking a stroke

  • Keep practicing this, you will notice a change in your stroke and more momentum

Final Swim

  • Good focus on rotation on both sides on your body

  • Feel the flow with your stroke and less effort 

  • Rotation helped you get more air in when breathing


  • Nice kick

  • Stroke is ok, but extending too far back to hips

  • Aim to finish stroke with elbow to ribs and then drive forward

  • We can address this in future sessions

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