Private Swim Session 14th December 2021
Excellent development with your swimming Vishal. A nice flowing stroke which we tweaked to help make it more powerful with your arm shape and timing.
Remember to slow down the stroke rate down slightly to control the intensity and your heart rate.
Controlling the lead arm and the timing when you are breathing really made a big difference to your breathing, comfort level and swimming efficiency.
As you mentioned, being smooth in the water creating less splash or disturbance in the water helps to carry through more momentum and being more efficient. It reduces the amount of resistance and drag against the water.
Areas to continue to develop...
1. Lead arm position when taking a breathe - The Kickboard drill was excellent to help you understand not collapsing early with the stoke which enabled you to get more breathe in. Practice the drill we did with the Kickboard, and also without the kickboard.
2. Arm shape - Drive back with your tricep and forearm, bring your tricep into your body. Small catch is a good drill to practice, getting the shape earlier and remember your shoulder is also a hinge in this process. Be mindful of crossing over your body with your arm (under the water), if can be fatigue and not driving back with your tricep/elbow and also not rotating or being too slow with your stroke rate.
3. Arm shape and timing with rotation - the small catch drill and single arm freestyle are great drills to help develop the arm shape and combining with rotation. Keep focusing on the timing and flowing nature of your stroke, it is really developing into an efficient compact stroke.
Swim Filming
Initial Swim
Nice flowing stroke
Relaxed legs
Rushing slightly with lead arm when breathing
Tempo a little quick however we adjusted this
Initial Swim - straight arm underwater
Good rotation
Good head and body position
Close fingers slightly to enable more power
Single Arm Freestyle Left side with kickboard
Good head position when breathing
Remember to apply your rotation when taking a stroke
Need a bit more shape in arm, which we addressed throughout the session
Single Arm Freestyle Right side with kickboard
Better arm shape than left side
Keep head forward and down when breathing
Single Arm Freestyle Front view
Good arm position
Head nice and still and centered
Add a bit more rotation when taking a stroke
Final Swim Front view
Excellent right side arm shape
Great arm entry parallel to shoulders
Excellent hand position on right side closer to body
Left side hand can come in a bit, more towards your body
Final Swim
Beautiful, flowing, controlled stroke
Better arm shape and more powerful stroke which enabled more time to breathe
Timing is excellent when taking a breathe with both your returning stroke and head coming back to centre
Very efficient stroke
Private Swim Session 16th November 2021
It was great to see you had maintained some of your swim technique from previous swimming experience.
We addressed a few areas to focus on and to continue developing, ideally if you can swim 2-3 times a week to help develop the technique further.
Key points...
1. Breathing and water up your nose - Having a bit more power in your stroke seemed to help and the water up your nose didn't appear to be an issue. It creates more momentum and gives you a greater chance to get a breathe in the bow wave of your stroke. You can also use the nose clip if doing some drills with the snorkel.
2. Flowing freestyle tempo - this was a big change for you, and you immediately noticed how more efficient and easier it was in the water. A big game changer ! You were more flowing, smoother and slightly quicker with your arms but importantly flowed with your hips as well. It is a combination of a number of areas you were connecting with.
3. Arm shape and timing with rotation - the small catch drill and single arm freestyle are great drills to help develop the arm shape and combining with rotation.
4. No core shorts - excellent stroke without the core shorts, and in control of your stroke. Just be mindful of lifting your head when breathing to the left which will drop your legs lower in the water and create more drag. You certainly looked in control.
Swim Filming
Initial Swim
Great high elbow in recovery phase of stroke, setting up next stroke
Rotation good, can develop timing of stroke
Breathing looks comfortable
Initial Swim - front view
Excellent position of arms and hands entering the water
Great with arms to side of body when swimming and breathing (not crossing your body)
Keep focusing on aiming to keep your head lower and more parallel to the water when breathing
Nice kick
Kick on back
Great kick and straight legs
Head position excellent, nice and still, back and centred
Small Catch
You developed a better technique with this drill throughout the session
Keep the tricep (upper arm) fixed, aim to not push it backwards when doing the small catch
Aim to keep your wrist/hand linked to your forearm, ie. try not to flick backwards with your hand
Good work in modifying this within the session
Single Arm Freestyle - Left
Excellent start position with body and arms
Arm shape is coming together, and good position to the side of your body
Good movement with arms and hips, keep at this is will develop further
Single Arm Freestyle - right side
Good rotation and momentum being developed
Right side can get a bit more bend in the arm and drive back with tricep
Watch the Left and Right videos to see the difference in the power from your left side
Better flowing swimming - no snorkel
Beautiful swimming !
Excellent flow and rhythm, the momentum enables you to breathe very comfortably
Excellent head position when breathing, low and to the side which helps to maintain a good body position when breathing.
No Core Short swim
Good swim and giving yourself every chance to get a breathe in, holding your lead arm high (keep focusing on this)
Head is in a great position when swimming, looking down to lift legs up
Remember to keep rotating to both sides to help to get head in a position to breathe
Nice kick, which can help to maintain body position when breathing
A great confidence boosting swim
Dual final swim
Looking comfortable in the water with someone around you
Maintaining technique, just be mindful of dropping the lead arm too early in the water when taking a breathe